Andrew known to family and friends as AJ, is a five year old boy who was born with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy and as a result is unable to walk unaided or without the use of a K-walker frame. AJ also wears splints on both legs, has physiotherapy daily and has to take regular medication. He also suffers a lot of discomfort due to tightness in his muscles, a condition which further reduces mobility and is unfortunately deteriorating with age.
There is however hope, as there is an operation available in America called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy. (Although this operation has just become available in the UK at a hospital in Bristol, it's early days yet and funding is not yet widely available)
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy is a surgical procedure involving the c utting of nerves in the spine which will release the spasticity (tension) in AJs muscles thus eradicating all pain caused by the CP and allowing him to walk, jump, hop, skip and join in with his older brother's playing football. This operation would literally be AJs dreams come true, he loves sports but feels different to other children when he joins in as he is awkward in his movements and is now realising that he 'stands out'.
The good news is AJs surgery is booked for February 2012 - The bad is that it will cost approximately £50,000 - so now the race is on to raise the money in time!
As you can imagine AJs family are not able to pay for this operation let alone the additional care costs and physiotherapy when AJ returns home, none of which are covered by the National Health Service at this moment in time.
AJ needs all the help he can get so if you feel you are able to help in any way or would like to donate then please use one of the links below. Facebook link: Youtube link:
Donations for AJS Operation can be made at any Barclays Bank Sort Code: 20-02-77 Account Number: 53079945
Cheques can be made payable to: AJS Operation The Smiley Face Appeal and sent to; The Smiley Face Appeal 4 Morecambe Close Newton Heath Manchester M40 2FD AJs Operation The Smiley Face Appeal is a registered charity with Caudwell Children Charity number: 1079770 Company registration: 3864620
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Telephone: 07888824703
"On behalf of AJ and his family Thank you"