AJs Operation - The Smiley Face Appeal


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Donation thank you's
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Donation thank you's
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There are already far to many persons to name who have helped AJ and thanking them individually is not always possible, even so it is very important to us as a family to say thank you as without your support and kindness we would not be able to raise this sort of money!

Every single one of you are hero's whether you took part in an event or just helped out, if you raised £1000 or donated £0.50 from your pocket money it all means the same!

If your name appears here we are indepted to your forever and will always remember your efforts:

Darren, Tony, David, Danny, Micheal and James who took part in the 2011 Manchester Urbanathlon Athlon.
Alan Massey, John Dwan for waiving the fees and sorting out the entries at The Manchester Urbanathlon.
Laura and Maureen Football name cards.
Juilie Fazackerley Tarot readings.
Mr Scott for donation.
Mr Hedley Carter donation.
Chariot Supplies Bussiness donation.
Laura and Maureen Pub collection.
Tesco Bag packing droylsden, thanks to everybody who helped out and raised a massive £1,030.00.
Laura and Maureen football name cards again!
Sharron Senior for donation.
Grove pub ashton new road for there collection box donation.
Martins Bakery donation.
Martins Hazels Rajas combined collection box's donation.
Peppers, Yummy Box, Smart Cafe collection box's donation.
Laura and Maureen football name cards more! go girls! donation.
David Johnson Urban Athlon sponsor money donation.
Jessica Chadwick Sponsored weight loss, Wow! donation.
Andrew Telford AJS dad's Road Trip donation.
Nicola Lowrie and little Leah for the donation.
Andrew Telford AJs dad - Fun Day in Wales donation.
Jaqueline Ward (works collection)
Jaqueline Ward, friends donation
Nephra HQ cheque

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