AJs Operation - The Smiley Face Appeal


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If you have a message, thought or comment for AJ, Leeanne or Kerry, please send them to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   and I will post them on this website. Smile You can see an example or read the messages here
AJs Birthday

AJs six next Wednesday (24th August) so we thought it might be a nice gesture if everyone could donate just a little to his Fund as a birthday prezzie even £1 would make a huge difference and we would really appreciate it.

Another idea we came up with was to allow family, friends, sponsors, well wisher's and anybody else to be able to post a brief Birthday message or wish on this website for a small fee of course (no more than 40 words please) 

If you wish to post a birthday message please email it to the Website Administrator Alan or text it to 07961307170 with the message, your name and how much you pledge (£2 minimum please) to have it published on the website, for example,

Smile "Happy birthday AJ, hope you have a fantastic day and all your dreams come true" Love Alan Massey and Family - pledged £5

Then send the donate separately using one of the following:

At a Bank:
Donations for AJS Operation can be made at any Barclays Bank
AJS Operation The Smiley Face Appeal
Sort Code: 20-02-77
Account Number: 53079945

Pay by Cheque:
Cheques can be made payable to:
AJS Operation The Smiley Face Appeal
and sent to;

The Smiley Face Appeal
4 Morecambe Close
Newton Heath
M40 2FD

By text from your phone
If you would like to text your donation please send:
WALK76 £(amount)
to 70070

Do not send birthday wish messages to this number just donations!

By Contacting AJs mum Leeanne direct:
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Telephone: 07888824703

Every penny of your donation goes direct to AJ


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  Designed by augs-burg.de & go-vista.de Edited by Alan Massey