AJs Operation - The Smiley Face Appeal


Should Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) be available in the UK

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AJ met his consultant DR Park today (Wednesday 9th May) and "everything’s looking OK for surgery tomorrow"
The Smiley Face Appeal weblinks
A selection of links that are all related to the The Smiley Face Appeal and AJ.
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  Link   AJs Operation Just Giving page
Just giving website donation page for AJs operation
  Link   Children's Hospital St. Louis
SDR involves sectioning (cutting) of some of the sensory nerve fibers that come from the muscles and enter the spinal cord.
  Link   Scope
Selective Dorsal (or Posterior) Rhizotomy is a neurosurgical technique used to treat spasticity (increased muscle tone) in the lower limbs
  Link   Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia
Cerebral palsy is a condition in which muscle movement is stiff or uncoordinated. CP, as it is commonly known, is caused by damage to various parts of the brain.
  Link   Spastic Diplegia
Web site giving a brief decription and understanding of the condition
  Link   AJs Facebook Page
Operation AJ the Smiley Face Appeal - The official Facebook page for information about AJs appeal
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